Saturday, April 23, 2011

Asses Asses Everywhere

Everyone is an ass at least one time (one?) in their lives, but some people are asses when they are getting paid. These are the professional asses.

Let's start with an ass that is currently all over the media, and call him like he is:
A Asshole!
From The View: Click on photo to Watch Whoopie's face!
"I went to the greatest schools." "I make more money....." Not just his words, but his face looks like an ass. What is under that hair? A horn?


  1. OMG, this is going to be the best blog ever! I'm not sure you could have picked a better asshole on earth for your first post. Trump gets my vote for the Poop Award, if you should decide to hand out such a thing. ;-)

  2. There has to be $$ in it for him; either that, or he is in dire need of intensive therapy to treat his monumental ego.
    He listens to NOBODY.


Say it.